CANCELLED: Even Though Students Are Getting a Head Start, Why Aren't Teachers Finishing the Race?

This research sheds light on the factors that contribute to high Head Start teacher attrition rates and explores the relationship between teacher attrition and the preparation of Head Start center directors. The proposal outlines two learning objectives and two goals that will be achieved through this presentation. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in interactive discussions, group activities, and Q&A sessions.

Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 10:15am to 11:45am
Session type: 
In-person only
Session presenters: 
Dr. Bernadine Martinez
Session Location: 
Conference Room H


Should be interesting


Sarah Bishop_HS's picture

We are so sorry to inform you that our presenter for this session was unable to make it. Please feel free to register for another session to attend during this breakout session time.