You Can’t Come to My Birthday Party! Helping Children Navigate Conflict Resolution and Problem Solving

Preschool children encounter conflicts daily, and resolving these conflicts can either empower or frustrate them. When teachers adopt a problem-solving approach to resolving conflicts with children, they will find that the process benefits children and empowers them to become confident problem solvers now and in the future. In this session, participants will examine children’s feelings and ways of dealing with conflicts and will learn the benefits of involving children in the process of resolving conflicts. In small groups, participants will practice supportive strategies that assist children in resolving conflicts with other children and will develop an implementation plan they can use to apply these strategies with their children in the classroom. When these strategies are used consistently, teachers will observe as their children begin seeing themselves as successful "problem-solvers." 

Social and Emotional
Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 10:15am to 11:45am
Session type: 
Session presenters: 
Kenneth Sherman
Session Location: 
Salon V, VI (Wilbanks Ballroom)